DAMA-FI Event: Data Catalog journey
Welcome to DAMA Finland ry afterwork event called ’Data Catalog Journey’. The event is free for all to attend, it will be organized in Helsinki, Finland at 7th November 2023, and it is sponsored by Solita.
You can register to the event here:
ONLINE: https://tivia.fi/event/dama-event-data-catalog-journey-online-2023-11-07-888/register
ONSITE: https://tivia.fi/event/dama-event-data-catalog-journey-live-2023-11-07-887/register
16:00 Opening & pick up your travel snacks
16:15 Our Data Governance journey so far – Mikko Eskola, CDO, Sanoma Media Finland
16:45 Starting a Data Catalog journey – Juha-Pekka Joutsenlahti, Data Catalog Lead, Solita
17:15 Small break
17:20 Explorer’s guide: Interview on the practical side of Data Catalogs with Ole Olesen-Bagneux the author of ”The Enterprise Data Catalog” and Zeenea Chief Evangelist
Person membership
Individuals can join the association from here: Register to DAMA-FI
Society membership
These events and activities by DAMA Finland ry are made possible with the help of our Society Members Ari Hovi, Epical Group (previously Enfo), and Sparta Consulting who provide BETTER BUSINESS VALUE with globally recognized DATA MANAGEMENT BEST PRACTICES. Contact the DAMA Finland board members for more information on organizational membership.