Welcome to Public Webinar on Data Strategy and the Yearly Meeting
This year the association is focusing on strategic business transformations and aligning data management with business objectives. The keynote speaker, Donna Burbank, Managing Director of Global Data Strategy will introduce the concept of Data Strategy and discuss how it differs from more commonly known business strategies and ICT strategies.
The public webinar is free and available for everyone. Registration for this event has ended.
DATE: 27. April 2021
17:00-18:00 Public webinar on Data Strategy
- Introduction to DAMA Finland ry – Sami Laine, president, DAMA Finland ry
- Keynote: Data Strategy – Donna Burbank, Managing Director, Global Data Strategy
- Thanks to DAMA Finland Society Members – Sami Laine, president, DAMA Finland ry
18:00-19:00 Closed webinar for association members
- Yearly Meeting 2021, DAMA Finland ry
The official yearly meeting invitations and association documents will be sent to currently active members via TIVIA association management system.
Join the DAMA Finland association here: https://damafinland.fi/jasenyys/
Donna Burbank is a recognized industry expert in information management with over 20 years of experience in data management, metadata management, and enterprise architecture. Her background is multi-faceted across consulting, product development, product management, brand strategy, marketing, and business leadership. She has worked with dozens of Fortune 500 companies worldwide in the Americas, Europe, Asia, and Africa and speaks regularly at industry conferences.
As an active contributor to the data management community, she is a long time DAMA International member, Past President and Advisor to the DAMA Rocky Mountain chapter, and was recently awarded the Excellence in Data Management Award from DAMA International in 2016. She was also on the review committee for the Object Management Group’s Information Management Metamodel (IMM) and a member of the OMG’s Finalization Taskforce for the Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN).