Strategic Business Transformation with Data – Webinar
Strategic Business Transformation with Data – webinar kickstarted the year. The presentations introduced the global trend to make data a strategic and C-level responsibility. The aim of this trend has been to enable strategic business transformation with data and its leaders are called Chief Data Officers. In his keynote speech, professor Aiken discussed widely about historical lessons learned and motives that have led to the need for CDO role.
Presenters of the webinar are: Tomi Dahlberg, Sami Laine, Peter Aiken and Jussi Nissilä.
The recordings of the webinar are here: Strategic Business Transformation with Data – recordings.
The webinar was organized jointly by DAMA Finland and ICT Leaders Finland.
The Status of Strategic Data Management in Finland?
Tomi Dahlberg, Chair, ICT Leaders Finland
A Brief History of Chief Data Officer Trend
Sami Laine, President, DAMA Finland
The case for the CDO: Chief Data Officer Combat
Peter Aiken, Associate Professor, Virginia Commonwealth University | President, DAMA International
Next steps in raising ‘Data Assets’ to Strategic Business Decisions in Finland
Jussi Nissilä, CEO, TIVIA
The past registration and additional information: Webinar – Strategic Business Transformation with Data – TIVIA