
Join the 1st DAMA EMEA Conference 2021

For our members we are pleased to announce the 1st DAMA EMEA Conference that brings together 22 DAMA Chapters and Professionals from over 25 countries.

This 1st DAMA EMEA Conference will bring together data passionate, practitioners and sponsors from the entire region to network and share initiatives,

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Welcome to Public Webinar on Data Strategy and the Yearly Meeting

This year the association is focusing on strategic business transformations and aligning data management with business objectives. The keynote speaker, Donna Burbank, Managing Director of  Global Data Strategy will introduce the concept of Data Strategy and discuss how it differs from more commonly known business strategies and ICT strategies.

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Strategic Business Transformation with Data – Webinar

Strategic Business Transformation with Data – tapahtuma toteutettiin 12.2.2021 yhdessä ICT Leaders Finland ry:n kanssa ja pääpuhujaksi saatiin aihepiirin globaali ajatusjohtaja – DAMA Internationalin puheenjohtaja, DAMA Fellow, professori Peter Aiken.

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Data-Driven Decision-Making – Webinar

DAMA Finland järjesti Sytyke ry:n kanssa yhteisen webinaarin – Data driven decision making–case Covid-19. Tapahtumassa oli 3 esitystä, joista yksi oli puheenjohtaja Sami Laineen – What if the whole world is bad in data-driven decision-making? Case Covid-19

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MIT CDOIQ Symposium 2020 – tapahtuma

Puheenjohtaja Sami Laine toimi MIT CDOIQ Symposium 2020-tapahtuman ohjelmakomiteassa DAMA-verkoston edustajana.

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